- This custom still survives. 这种习俗仍然存在。
- This custom still prevails among members of the older generation. 这一风俗仍在老一辈人们中流行。
- The custom still survives. 这个风俗还残留着。
- This custom is a relic of ancient times. 这习俗乃是古代遗风。
- This custom was still current in the 1960s. 这个习俗在20世纪60年代还是很流行。
- The custom still obtains in some areas. 某些地区仍保留着这一习俗。
- This custom has been handed down since the 18th century. 这风俗从十八世纪开始流传下来。
- This custom can reach back Tang Dynasty. 这个风俗可追溯到唐朝。
- This sentiment still survives, and it has piled up mountains of useless drudgery. 这种心理如今依然存在,而且它堆起了无用苦工的大山。
- This custom was abrogated years ago. 这一惯例多年前业已废除。
- The custom still obtains in some districts. 这种风俗在某些地方仍然流行。
- This customer is too honest not to deceive us. 这位客户非常诚实,不会骗我们。
- This custom dates from the 19th century. 早在19世纪就有了这种风俗。
- The custom still obtains in districts. 这种风俗在某些地区仍然流行。
- The custom still prevails among the elderly. 这个风俗习惯在老人中还很盛行。
- This custom comes down to us from our ancestors. 这个习俗是祖上传下来的。
- The custom still obtains in districts . 这种风俗在某些地位仍然流行。
- In Japan this custom is slowly fading out. 在日本这个习俗正逐渐消失。
- This custom has fallen into abeyance now. 这个风俗现在已经不时兴了。
- It has been endlessly parodied and endlessly copied but its prestige still survives. 它被无休止地拙劣地模仿和复制,但它却声誉长存。